It’s time to build each other up - not break each other down.

Lorna has founded “The Aesthetic Atelier” - Australia’s first aesthetics business program to help new and exisiting nurses transition into their aesthetic businesses.

After Lorna started her own business, she wished that someone had taught her the need-to-knows and how to build it. She started with absolutely 0 clients.

As she began to learn and grow, she started to build up a respected name and trusted clientele. As a result she now services over 500 clients which continues to grow everyday.

The goal of the program is to teach nurses how to grow their businesses safely, ethically, and to be supported in a non-judgemental environment - all while maintaining the best patient outcomes.

The program caters to all! No matter if you are starting from scratch or are looking to grow your current business - all levels are welcome to The Aesthetic Atelier.

Are you ready to begin your journey?